Prev. Maintenance tasks can be completed in either the Mobile App or Admin Dashboard. As you start work on a task, all progress will be saved automatically and you can pick up from the step you left off. Additionally, if needed, you can print a PM Task from the Admin Dashboard.


  • Self-assign a task from “All Tasks” or go to a task already assigned to you under “My Tasks” 
  • Select “Start Work”
    • Move through the steps outlined in the “Task Steps” and mark each step as it is completed
    • Click, “Next” if you are on the app
    • Optional: Add additional notes
    • Optional: Send a note to a particular user
    • Optional: Log your time worked on the ticket
    • “Complete Task”
      • If you are working through the steps to complete a preventative maintenance task but do not complete it, you can choose to, “Put on Hold” a ticket and come back to it later.
        • Progress will be saved and you can pick up from the step you left off at.
        • If you do not complete all of the necessary steps, you must enter a reason why under “Important Notes” before submitting.
      • When you return to the task, click on “Continue Work” and you will be brought back to where you left off

