Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance – Overview

Preventative Maintenance Within the cove building experience platform, you can complete a Preventative Maintenance task and view Preventative Maintenance History. Preventative Maintenance tasks are viewable to building engineers and building admins from both the...

PM Task History

PM Task History To view PM Task History, you can either view it from the Task History tab or under the Equipment tab.   To view all completed preventative maintenance tasks, go to the “Preventative Maintenance” tab in the Dashboard and select, “Task History” ...

Completing a PM

Prev. Maintenance tasks can be completed in either the Mobile App or Admin Dashboard. As you start work on a task, all progress will be saved automatically and you can pick up from the step you left off. Additionally, if needed, you can print a PM Task from the Admin...

Bulk Assigning and Editing PMs

As needed, you can batch assign or batch change the status of Prev. Maintenance tasks. This allows you to quickly assign out open tasks or mark some tasks as On Hold. This article will walk you through how to batch edit the PM tasks. Batch Assigning Go to...