Your Admin Dashboard account already has some basic property information. This article will guide you through setting up additional fields and managing your property information long-term.
Step 1
Select Property Info from the left-hand menu. This will take you to the main page where your property information is stored.
Step 2
Review the information already in the system for accuracy.
Step 3
Edit your Open Hours. You can always come back and change these if your property hours change. These hours can also be copied over into Amenity spaces.
Step 4
Upload images for the Main Property Image and Property Logo. These images as well as the property information will be displayed on the residents’ mobile application.
To change the image, click on the image there or on the grey box. Then, select a new image from your finder window. Click “Open”. The new image will then appear on the page.
Step 5
Update the Support Email to be your main contact information for the property. This email address will be displayed to your residents. We recommend providing them with a direct contact for someone at your property should they have questions while using the Mobile App.
Last Step
Be sure to SAVE your work by clicking “Save” at the bottom of the page.